Thursday, August 1 | 5-7:00pm
Included with MMAM Admission | MMAM Members + Students Free
No registration required.
Come celebrate the diversity and beauty of Minnesota’s herons at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum on August 1, from 5pm to 7pm.
Herons are emblematic of life on the upper Mississippi—their lean silhouettes, as they stand in the evening light, seem to define the wildness and beauty of our region. At the August 1st event, four poets featured in the recently-published anthology, Broad Wings, Long Legs: A Rookery of Heron Poems, will use poetry to evoke the mysterious hold these birds have on us. In addition, a wildlife biologist with the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, will give a scientist’s perspective on the natural history of herons.
The poets reading include: Winona’s first poet Laureate, James Armstrong; St. Paul poet and essayist James Silas Rogers, who is also the anthology’s editor; poet and Minnesota Public Radio host Emily Bright, producer of the long-running arts series Art Hounds and Ask a Bookseller; and two-time Poet Laureate of Duluth James Johnson, author of eleven books of poetry. Stephen Winter, Wildlife Biologist with the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, will provide his expert commentary.
Copies of Broad Wings, Long Legs will be for sale in the museum gift shop.
The event is free for MMAM members; nonmembers pay general admission. However, students are admitted for free every Thursday.
/ James Silas Rogers
/ Stephen Winter
/ James Johnson
/ James Armstrong
/ Emily Bright