Plein Air Experience 2024: Sketching Winona
This September, in partnership with the River Arts Alliance, MMAM hosted “Plein Air Experience: Sketching Winona.” The weekend brought artists from all over the region to capture their interpretations of Winona’s vibrant cityscape and daily life. Six seasoned urban sketchers led sketch walks with dozens of enthusiastic participants, exploring picturesque locations like Latsch Island and the MMAM gardens, the bustling Winona Farmers Market, and historic architecture including Watkins Heritage Museum, Winona National Bank and Merchants Bank. A highlight for many was a drink-and-draw at Two Fathoms Brewing. Adding to the weekend’s excitement, Minneapolis-based architect and urban sketcher Kar-Keat Chong led a two-day workshop at the museum, where students honed their skills with various pens, watercolors, and perspectival techniques to create stunning sketches from life. Several of his works are currently on view at the museum. Sketchers convened once more on Sunday morning at the Winona County Historical Society for a “throw down” – where stories and sketchbooks were shared and admired. It was a remarkable celebration of creativity and connection, highlighting the artistic spirit that thrives in Winona.